Hi Guys..it has been a while since I made a new post because I was waiting for my seeds to come. I ordered some seeds from online shop which sells many variation of seeds..
I bought some of them such Sunflower, Marigold, Gysophila Monarch White, and herbs plant like Sage, Oregano, Rosemary and Basil.
I planted Marigold, Gysophila, Geranium and Lavender seed in egg shells because it is easier and nutrients in the egg shells good for the seeds (actually the best eggshells for tomato plants, but I tried also to other plants)
Within a few days and gysophilla marigold seeds have started to sprout, as photographed .. Whereas geranium and lavender has not shown any signs of life sob .. T_T
Gysophila Monarch White |
Marigold |
Eagerly waiting the buds bloom soon .. hopefully it does not take so long :)
Selamat sist. Semoga brhasil numbuh sampai dewasa ya..Btw bibit geraniumnya beli dimana sis, ada linknya ngga..
BalasHapusbeli disini sis http://bibitbunga.com/
BalasHapustapi sampai sekarang geraniumnya belum tumbuh sis :'(
disitu memang ngga meyakinkan sis. Punya saya jg ngga berkecambah2. udh 2 bulan pdhl. dan lg dsitu mahal. Udah coba bli di lapaknya pak Abu (petani rumahan) blm?
Hapusinfo2 donk sis kl ketemu tempat jualan bibit bunga yg murah , hehe...
sudah sis, aku beli benih2 yang lain di petani rumahan wordpress :D
BalasHapustapi disana pilihan benih bunga nya sedikit, tapi kemarin aku tengok blog nya sudah ada tambahan benih bunga lainnya hehehhe..
ada tempat lain juga sis webnya: kebunbibit.com
BalasHapusdi web ini ada jual benih tapi sebagian besar jual anakan pohon yg sudah berdaun dan ada jg yg uda sempat berbuah..temanku pernah pesan bunga disana..