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Jumat, 10 Januari 2014

My cousin wedding ^_^ Nat and Jim

Hi guys, long time no see...
This is a very late story that i wanna tell u.. My cousin Nat and his boyfriend (now his husband), Jim, have been married on Dec 10, 2013. And the fascinating thing is i was her bridesmaid. Honestly this is my third time to be a bridesmaid. I always happy to be the bridesmaid because in every wedding it has its own story..

One day before the wedding, we stayed at Aston Hotel, Pluit, because this hotel is close to the bridal which will be used by my cousin.
Aston Hotel, Pluit
The next day we set off at 6 a.m. to the bridal, Valencia, Muara Karang. We didn't leave so early because we were the only client for Valencia on that day (My cousin got married on Tuesday!). It meant we have much time to decide the make up and hairdo that we want.
Valencia bridal
At the first time i saw this place, wow *_* this place is big enough with lobby, some fitting rooms and storages to keep the wedding dresses..
Valencia's waiting room
Valencia's lobby
The advantages of this bridal is we can define our own desired hairdo. And I have chosen a classic hairdo with braids.. Not too similar to the example I pointed out to the stylist but not overly matter, the result is pretty good.. ^_^
Braid hair style
And this is me after make up and hairdo (narcissismmodeon XDDD hahaha).
Bridesmaid with crocs XDD
After hairdo and make up, my cousin and me came back to the hotel, to prepare the Teapai session. During this Teapai,  I took time to make some documentations about this session.
Before Teapai :D
*pic above-left: with cousin, brother and his wife
*pic above-right: with father (my uncle :D)
*pic below-left: with our aunt
The groom who came to pick up his bride
Natali, the beautiful bride ^_^
This old camera could make a silhouette image XDD *gorgeous*
Teapai session

Then the groom and his bride went to Damai Indah Golf, PIK,  for the next teapai session along with the groom's family. Unfortunately, I felt very tired, so I could not take photos for this session.. :'(

After this session, we went to groom's house to take a break. An hour later, we came back to the bridal to retouch the make up and the hairdo, and i changed my hairtsyle too :D
which one better? XD
Narcissism-part 2 XDDD..

When retouch was done, we went to the reception at the Damai Indah Golf, PIK. The reception began at 7 pm. , but the families could take a break first in a particular room that has been provided by WO.

Damai Indah Golf, Pantai Indah Kapuk.
The reception room interior and foods for the families.
When the reception began, I missed the opportunity to capture some of the wedding photos because i must do my job as bridesmaid..hehe
Nat and Jim reception.

As in most of the wedding, the reception held a bouquet toss. I was also enliven the event among the single people who come forward. How glad I was, because I was the one who received the bouquet .. Yeay! 

Because I was taking the bouquet then I also got a gift from the bride.hihihi 
The bouquet is very beautiful. I love it..^ ___ ^  
The bouquet is so pretty..
After the reception is finished, we took time to take some pictures.. Especially with our big family, there are some people who came all the way from Medan.
Our Big Family
With wedding cake as the background XD..
My sister, Merry, with her boyfriend, Robin.
Me and my cousin,Yuli.
Congratulation for both Natali and Jimmy.. I hope God bless their marriage. May they be happy ever after. Amin ^____^
Me and the bouquet

**Thanks for reading**

6 komentar:

  1. Hi Sinta, salam kenal yah..
    Kebetulan nanti aku married nya di Valencia Bridal. Eh, ketemu foto2 & review km disini..
    Bagus semua kok hair do nya km. hehehe..
    Boleh ga kl aku referensiin blog km ttg Valencia Bridal ini di blog nya aku? :D

  2. bole kok :)
    salam kenal juga ya ^_^

  3. wah, makasih ya. izin ambil beberapa foto yg ada disini buat dicantumin di blog daku ya..trus nanti pasang link jg ke blog ini..
    btw, km & sepupu suka ga sama make up nya?
    disana, km di make up sama siapa?
    aku lebih suka hair do km waktu malem. hehehe

    Thanks yaaa.

    1. klo make up menurutku agak standar ya untuk pengapit nya..hehe..karna aku jg tipe org yg suka mperhatikan make up, cara dia make up cukup simple..
      untuk pengantin nya make up nya lumayan bagus ^_^..
      yang make up in aku mbaknya diikat pony tail sama pakai bando hehe..untuk namanya aku tidak tanya..XDD maap..

  4. hii Sinta salam kenal yah.. bagus fotonya yg di damai indah golf,, dulu kondangan disana juga suka sama dekornya :)

  5. No words can tell, you're so beautiful in white :)
